Our Mission

Our mission is to be a world class manufacturer in every market area in which we participate.

Our Values

Hol-Mac Corporation IS our EMPLOYEES. Our company can ONLY exist, be seen, and experienced through US. The Operating Policy established by Hol-Mac’s founder, Charles Belton Holder, Jr., sets forth the cornerstone of our values.

It is the policy of Hol-Mac Corporation to:

  • Place our customers and suppliers as the most important element to operations, followed immediately by our employees.
  • Provide our customers with high quality products and service, competitively priced, delivered on time, providing profits for growth and rewards for our employees.

We realize that the above can only be accomplished by the help of divine guidance.

Our Pledges and Guiding Principles

  • Integrity is never compromised. We conduct our business consistent with TRUTH, TRUST and simply DOING WHAT IS RIGHT.
  • We strive for continual improvement through everyone’s involvement.
  • We expect the quality of products and services from our suppliers to be consistent with the quality of our products and service which our customers expect from us.
  • Safety cannot be compromised since our people are our greatest asset. Everyone hurts when one of us hurts.
  • Hol-Mac shall always maintain a vigorous program in pursuit of product knowledge, assuring product durability, reliability and safety through advanced engineering, manufacturability improvements and process developments.
  • All employees will be provided the opportunity to learn, be creative and part of a team that is successful and improves our standard of living as well as those in our community, state and country.